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PADI IDC(教練培訓班) 課程

Y1996 年成立以來,首批... ... 社團完整「五階段」訓練課程:

   1) Open Water
   2) Advanced
   3) Rescue
   4) Dive Master
風城潛旅 IDC

經歷了至少 3~ 4 年以上「潛水理論 與 潛水實務」札札實實磨練,自行培訓的社團菁英。Y2004-09-19 參加 PADI 秋季, 中華民國(Republic of China) 台灣地區 IDC 課程開訓... ...

 PADI:Professional Association of Diving Instructors
 IDC: Instructor Development Course
 風城潛旅 IDC: 潛水技巧、專業知識、領導特質、敬業精神、人際拓展...

風城潛旅 各等級潛水員訓練課程,不只是交錢、上上課而已,風城潛旅 從來不在乎招生人數,風城潛旅 在乎的是... ... 帶出什麼樣的潛水員。這是 風城潛旅 自 Y1996 年成立以來... ... 一貫的態度!

學潛水不是上才藝班,潛水活動是有風險的,教練與學員都必須承擔一些責任。潛水課程絕對不會是您繳了學費之後,教練愛怎麼教... ... 僅僅只是教練的事,學員愛怎麼學... ... 就只是學員的事!

『潛水教學 與 核發潛水員證件』,教練要對學員負責,教練要對教學負責,教練要對這張證件負責!


若是您認為「潛水」隨隨便便學一學就可以了,那麼,就請您另尋高明! 因為... ...「風城潛旅」潛水訓練課程,是不習慣... ... 隨隨便便教一教的。因此,若是您覺得無法適應「風城潛旅」這種風格,就請您不要來『試試看』!

風城潛旅 社團專訪


Y2004 五月,P.88

Y2004 五月,P.60

『風城潛旅』歷年來,潛水活動 腳印、照片、概況 ...

『風城潛旅』歷年來,潛水員訓練課程 照片、學員心得 ...

PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor Program

The PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor program is your final step in the quest to become a PADI Instructor. During the IDC, you'll learn to use and adapt the PADI System of diver education to individual student needs. Comprehensive training, supported by a wide variety of PADI educational materials, earns PADI Instructors respect from both students and peers. PADI Open Water Scuba Instructors may conduct a broad range of PADI programs from Discover Scuba to Divemaster.

The PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor rating sets you apart from the crowd. PADI Instructors may conduct the entire range of PADI programs - from Discover Scuba through Divemaster.

PADI Instructors do things others can only daydream about.

If you want to live an extraordinary life, you're in the right place.

What do I need to start?

  • PADI Assistant Instructor certification or be an instructor in good standing with another training organization for at least six months ( check with a PADI Course Director or PADI Office for qualifying credentials.)
  • Hold a dive certification for at least six months
  • Have 60 logged dives that include night, deep and navigation dives
  • Proof of CPR training within the last 24 months
  • Medical clearance signed by a physician

【風城潛旅 - 潛水】開始于 Y1996-0520,社團網站 建立于 Y1999-02-23

Y2009-0912 社團轉型‧走入歷史
Copyright@Y1996-Y2042 Hsinchu Dive & Travel club