我們 28 位學員,再加上 7 位教練、5 位助教,共 40 人;在水肺評估課程中、每個人使用兩隻氣瓶,總共要 80 隻氣瓶,沒有全體成員的『同心協力』是無法圓滿完成課程的‧‧‧‧‧‧ |
Open Water Diver (初級潛水員) 結訓學員 研訓日誌,依繳交之時間先後、順序排列 |
一直很羨慕會水肺潛水的人,不論在影片中、海洋館或在海邊,羨慕的因子很綜合,可以像魚兒般悠游自在,可以看到不同於陸地上的景觀,也可以有點得意(因為潛水在台灣還不算是非常普遍的活動,且說真的,入門費用不算低)。 一般的學科、術科學習起來還頗 easy,畢竟平常最常接觸的運動即是游泳,所以對水還頗有親切感,但當自己隨著教練下潛到 10M 深的海裡,說完全不緊張是騙人的,鍾教練說的狀況全出現了 ~ 很難下潛、耳壓平衡做的很慢、呼吸的搭配不太順利..,總之手忙腳亂,但在美麗德蘭(?)教練的帶領下還是順利下潛了,當天海流真是 不穩,我得抱著石頭才能穩住我自己,否則什麼姿勢都可能出現,連跪姿都很難做到(我想是否鉛塊不夠重),看著教練們在水流中的穩當姿態真是佩服。 所以當我 一邊做著面鏡脫著一邊往上浮時,真有點”我可能死在這裡”的擔憂,還好我記起我 是含著呼吸調節器的,沒問題的,連做了三次終於成功了,我想教練也有點替我緊張了一下吧。 |
不過說真的,當我跪在水底往上望,光線透過10M濛濛的海水灑下來,天啊!我頭上有十公尺深的海水耶,從沒有過的經驗,這感覺我想我永遠忘不了 ------- 我的第一次潛水。 |
第一次穿著重裝備下海水感覺挺不錯的,比在擁擠的泳池好多了,雖然第一次海中實習那天是颱風天,但隨著海浪起伏蠻舒服的,而每位教練都很用心在教,在海中下潛的感覺和泳池不太一樣,難度更是高了些。 因浪的關係會晃來晃去的,不過在下潛過程中我的耳壓平衡一直做的不太好,右耳還是會有疼痛的感覺,下次要再好好練習,至於上下岸都還好,只是在岸上裝備就顯得重多了,也需要同伴們之間的幫忙,潛水是個不錯的活動,除了得到些知識外也可以結交些朋友,真是獲益良多呀。 |
首先,我必須先感謝 工研院電通所 潛水旅遊社,對外提供這次的潛水訓練課程,讓我完成了期待多年的潛水夢。其次、我也必須感謝鍾教練及其它教練們的悉心教導與照顧。在這次的課程中,我們學到了: 1.基本的潛水觀念--它讓我們對潛水有新的認識。 目前、我覺得除了上述課目與課程須加強學習外,如何讓自己在水中能克服對未知的恐懼與如何保持冷靜,將是我亟需學習的重點。 |
與潛水開始結緣, 是去年在墾丁嚐試了第一次的體驗潛水,那次也實在是蠻幸運的, 下潛約10餘分鐘就看到了隻海龜,那種姿態只可以用一個字形容
--- "飛" , 真的, 他看起來就像是在翱翔一般。教練說,我們真是太幸運了,有許多人潛了好幾年,也沒在香蕉灣遇到過。我想,會決定來學潛水,也許是託海龜的福吧!而在今年關島再度體驗潛水後,更加深了這個念頭。 |
我想,對一個初學者而言,這可算是一次難得的經驗吧! 或許是同舟共濟的感覺,當天結識了幾位朋友,如果不是拜潛水的機緣,只怕走在路上也是面對不相識!期望在往後的日子,可以再多認識一些朋友,再把技巧練純熟一點,才能再去與海龜共舞! |
潛入海中,領悟偉大的海洋生態之美,一直是我心中的一個夢,此次的潛水課程及訓練,給了我一個圓夢的機會,在這次的學習中,我們知曉了海洋的不可預測性,妄想征服海洋,只會給自身帶來更大的危險,此次潛水課程,教導我們的不僅是潛水的技巧,更重要的是能給我們在水中發生危險時的基本應變能力,與下水前的各項必備整備工作,不熟悉的水域,環境,在未有熟悉的合格教練帶領下,冒然下水,只是拿自己的生命開完笑,事前充份的準備,良好的潛水技巧練習,保持水中生態完整的風貌,此三者都具備,才能擁有愉快的潛水之旅。 |
5.耳壓平衡:面對水壓變化對耳部空腔之應變處理。 |
"世界上只有 1 %的人會潛水 ",我心想
"那我一定要成為那 1% 中的一個",去看看海底下的世界,是我去學潛水的動力,在這次的學習過程中,令我印象深刻的是那種在海中重力突然減小,好像任何一個海浪都可以將我搞的人仰馬翻。在陸地上原本非常容易的事, 在海中好像變成一種大工程,如穿脫
BCD、配重帶;而也只有曾經有過這種經驗的人,才能體會其中的滋味,我很高興能擁有這樣的經驗。 |
5.耳壓平衡:面對水壓變化對耳部空腔之應變處理。 |
經由同事的邀請,想不到我也參加了這麼有技術性的休閒活動,以前總認為有了家庭、妻小及工作,應該不太有機會參加這種團體性的活動。 但是經由這次的活動,其實偶爾讓自己輕鬆一下也是可以的。 生命中還有那麼多有趣的東西,能夠讓我親身體驗,真是不錯,如果我能夠將自己的潛水技術再提昇,以後還能到更好的場地去見識更多。。。。。。 總之,這次的活動擴大了我的休閒空間,真的很好玩。 |
Discovery 和國家地理頻道的節目, 對大自然的種種現象深感興趣,尤其是海裡世界, 高山, 雨林}等等, 也希望自己有朝一日能夠親身經歷, 因為有這個想法, 所以參加這個潛水訓練課程。 |
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一個嶄新的世界以經到來,這兩周的潛水課程雖然有點辛苦,天候也不是甚佳,但是經由大家的努力及教練們的辛苦指導,終於學會了潛水的基本技術。 |
能夠參加這次的活動,對我而言是多年心願的初步實現。實際體驗的潛水經驗的確是新奇有趣,但也與想像有部分出入。 兩個星期的學習,讓我瞭解潛水活動不只是單純的水底觀光
,他也有其獨特的運動文化及背後的學理依據。例如潛伴制度、潛水計畫制訂與生態保育觀 |
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隨著時光飄逝.....................!當年站在櫥窗外的 在一些偶然的機緣巧合之下,終於,有機會一圓笨小孩的夢.....Haaaaaaaa! 接觸潛水之後,在教練們的引領下,得以一探潛水之樂與如何從事安全的休閒潛水!尤其,在水中可與水中生物 (應是水底生物,因掛底的時間比懸浮在水中的時間多),面對面的接觸 (真的可以再靠近一點...),這種體驗再再令我心中悸動不已,久久無法平復........... Waoooooo,我想我上癮了 ............. |
有時候作決定需要一點衝動......上個月到帛琉玩, 在大峭壁浮潛的時候, 感受到海裡魚群與珊瑚的震撼,同時看著海深處,潛水員排出空氣隨著潛水員的移動,形成一道道的氣泡牆從身旁飄過,我想下面的景色應該更精彩吧! 當下就決定,回國後一定要學潛水,在鍾教練的教導下, 一步步的向我的目標前進, 上星期我們到龍洞 3 號考試與潛水,景色雖然沒有帛琉壯觀,我的技術也不好,但是我卻比在帛琉興奮,因為我知道將來有更多的震撼正等著我。 |
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海底世界,一個神秘又美麗的國度,看似遙不可及卻又近在咫尺。人類不斷地探索海底世界中國民間故事中的蝦兵蟹將海龍王、美國Disney的美人魚以及日本浦島太郎遊海底龍宮 、、在在說明了 人們對海底世界的嚮往......................................... 終於在今年接觸到潛水活動,經過了這兩個星期的學習,對潛水有更進一步的瞭解與認識,也在教練們專業且耐心的教導下,體驗了第一次的潛水,或許對教練來說這不叫潛水但對初學的我,這35分鐘的旅遊確有著相當大的震撼與感動。看著海中各式各樣的生物以及高高低低的礁石,讓我彷彿置身於另一個國度、另一個美麗的行星。 在水中,更有一種難得的平靜,讓人忘卻工作上的壓力與感情的羈絆,靜靜地在水中欣賞這奇妙又神秘的未知地,也令我不得不讚嘆大自然的奧妙以及感嘆人類的渺小。 |
或許在海底的更深處有著人類永遠無法到達及理解的生態,或許有更多更多的生物等著我們去接觸,或許、、、 我想潛水的樂趣就在於豐富自己的想像空間吧! |
經過這兩個星期的學習課程,讓我著實學習到很多潛水的基本觀念,從開始前的裝備認識與學科的專業知識學習,到游泳池的基本動作練習,都有很多收穫,尤其當第一次使用調節器呼吸時還真是不適應,因為會常常吸不到氣(用鼻子呼吸),到了水底更是難以平衡,因為抓不到重心。 到了海邊時第一次背重裝從這麼高的地方還真的是有點怕怕的,到了海底才知道海水的浮力有麼的大,明明就背了這麼重的氣瓶與配重帶,卻還是不容易下沈,沈到水底重心就更難捉了,因為會有海流的衝擊總是東飄西飄的,不過海底景色真的是很豐富,熱帶魚鮮豔的顏色實在讓人著迷。 在測驗那一天暈浪暈的很嚴重,但還是完成了測驗,第一次體會到裝備的重要性,一組不合用與會洩氣的BCD是對潛水員有很大的影響。 |
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事後回顧, 我很高興我在想了這麼久後 (想了3年一直沒學),有了實際的行動, 更慶幸自己當初選了一個好的學習團體。(這是我真心實言, 決不是拍馬屁) |
As a person who grew up in the coastal
community of Dartmouth, Massachusetts (which is next to New Bedford, the former whaling capital of the world in the
19th century), I have always spent a lot of time around water, be it
swimming, fishing, crabbing, snorkeling, clamming, boating, etc. Oddly enough, however, I
never had an opportunity to closely observe or learn about scuba diving. Yet,
it has always held a fascination for me, an interest that has grown the older
I've gotten. |
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My first full day on Palau was spent in an outrigger canoe. I skin dived,
viewed an American WWII seaplane shot down by the Japanese, visited a quarry
where stone money was produced for the island state of Yap, and visited several
other interesting sites. The second day I went on a dive boat for the first time
in my life. This was amazing as we were able to snorkel over "blue hole," an
ocean cave that contains thousands of fish and various types of sealife, as well
as snorkeling in the famous "jellyfish lake" first featured in National
Geographic magazine. The whole experience was exceptional, yet I realized I was
missing something as everybody else on the dive boat was using scuba equipment.
Fortunately, I was not intimidated by my lack of knowledge or experience with
scuba, so I asked many questions of mty boat mates and was able to closely watch
their preparations and joy in diving in some of the best sites around. By the
end of the day, I had made up my mind that I would obtain my diving license as
soon as possible and return to Palau to enjoy it from the perspective of a fully
certified scuba diver. When I returned to Taiwan, I did two things. First, I made reservations for one week in Palau and one week in Yap at the end of October. Second, I asked a friend to help me find a place where I could learn how to scuba dive--in fact, I already had some materials about a diving center in Taipei posted on my office cubicle since the previous summer when a colleague of mine first raised the idea of joining a diving course. Impressions of the PADI Open Water Diving class offered by the Hsinchu Diving and Travel Club: Fate seemed to be an ally as I soon found a course offered on days that, with minimal rearrangement of nightime and weekend obligations, allowed me to enroll in a beginner's diving class beginning in the first week of July. From the first minute of the first class, I was hooked. Every little detail interested me, from learning the proper technique to clear water from a mask to hearing about the concept of equalization for the first time in my life. In fact, it was a revelation to a person who considered themselves fairly knowledgeable about water and had skin dived many times before to learn new methods that will allow me to get much more out of snorkeling, not just scuba diving as I had expected when I first started the class. After two classes of extensive lecture covering a wide array of topics related to safety techniques, standard diving procedures, assessing what equipment is available and what is most suitable, and every other conceivable item that a scuba diver needs to know to have a safe and enjoyable underwater experience, it was exciting to put on the full set of diving equipment for the first time and get into a swimming pool. I guess every diver must share a similar feeling of delight and anxiety the first time they are submerged under water and draw a breath from their scuba tank. I was certainly no different in this regard. It is a feeling I will not forget, a feeling that served to motivate me even more to study hard and prepare myself properly for the first diving experience in the ocean--be it confined water or not. The next day this goal was realized and my expectations were exceeded. Wow! What a magical experience. The sense of peace and quiet underwater was something that I had never thought about. Of course, seeing all the wonderful fish, whatever their size, and getting a closer look at the brightly colored shell fish and other sea life at the ocean's bottom was extraordinary. It was like I had finally inserted myself into a Discovery Channel episode. As the only non-Taiwanese in the diving class, I am particularly grateful for the willingness of the instructor and his staff to provide me with English language class materials (all of the other students received Chinese language handouts) as well as a personal translator for all seven class sessions. This extra effort and assistance was exceptional. Future Plans Now that I have successfully completed the PADI Open Water Diving certification program, I am eager to hone and expand my basic diving skills, both in Taiwan, in places such as Green Island, Orchid Island, Kenting, and the northeast coast, and abroad all around the world. This is the type of gift that I intend to enjoy for the rest of my life. |
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在海水中做中性浮力與在泳池中做中性浮力有很大的不同: |
很高興能參加【初級潛水員研習課程】,因為對攝影很有興趣,所以會參加此課程,原來的動機是想在潛水欣賞海域美景的同時,能有機會拍一些美美的照片。 |
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很久以前就很嚮往潛水活動,但心裡一直怕怕的, |
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